πŸ”₯ Sweet incentives presented by our main TO (Miniboulet)

  • 5€ - An exclusive banner of the event (by Oda_) with your tag instead of "P1"

  • 5€ - Verd says your name / a sentence with his accent

  • 10€ - Priority on stream

  • 15€ - iPunch plays your favorite song on OSU! (+ rage if it's hard)

  • 15€ - Get boosted by Kazeol on Rocket League (ex pro player)

  • 15€ - Miniboulet reacts to a video of your choice

  • 30€- Corvux makes an art of your main and tag

  • 30€ - Private chess lesson with S_F3 (ELO ranging from 2100 to 2300)

  • 50€ - Kenmak makes you an original skin for PM/P+

πŸ“‹ Ruleset Project+ Singles

This tournament is running P+ v2.26

You can download it HERE

1. Pausing

If a player pauses during gameplay, that will result in a stock loss for that player. Players may ONLY pause on the angel platform for the purposes of checking a controller malfunction. If the pause directly causes the other player to lose a stock, the pauser must take two stocks.

2. Stalling

Stalling is banned. Stalling includes continuing infinites past 300% and holding any position where the offending player cannot be attacked. Stalling will result in a set loss for the offending player.

3. Sudden Death Clause

If a game goes to Sudden Death, the player with the highest remaining stock count is the winner. If remaining stocks are tied, the player with the lowest percentage is the winner. If percentages are also tied, a series of 1-stock, 2-minute rematches will be played, until a winner has been determined.

4. Suicide Clause

If a game goes to Sudden Death as the result of a suicide move, the player who initiated the move wins the game. If the game does not go to Sudden Death as a result of a suicide move, the results screen will determine the winner.

5. Final Rulings Clause

The tournament mods have the final say in how rulings are interpreted and how unforeseen circumstances are handled. If a specific issue is not addressed directly in this rules document, TO’s discretion is implied.

6. Connection Guidelines

In the case of bad connections, a moderator will handle each one on a case-by-case basis. A wired connection is required.

Players who both can only host are not allowed in the tournament.

Below are our general guidelines for these situations:

Before contacting a moderator, players must:

  • Have both parties attempt to host the game

  • Try setting the buffer to at least 9

  • Take a screenshot of the Dolphin Netplay screen with ping displayed

Once those steps have been taken, then players may contact a moderator through their smash.gg Match Chat or the #contact-to channel. Once contacted, the moderator will request information regarding the situation and may request to do a lag check with each player.

7. Checking In

If you have not checked into your match within 10 minutes of it being called, you will be automatically disqualified. If you are unable to check-in for any reason, contact a tournament admin via our Discord server immediately.